Joe Bens



A title is the first thing that gets your reader's attention. Let dissertation writing services make it good! Not great, but good and snappy. Think of how many times you've skimmed through an article, e-mail or essay only to stop on something intriguing -- "Wow", you think. "I'm going to read this more closely." Your first sentence should do the same thing.


Start by establishing a rapport with your audience: "I know what you're thinking," etc.


"You don't want to be rude ("Are you kidding me? So many people have made this mistake!"). But neither do you want your title to make people roll their eyes.


When I was a graduate teaching assistant in the MBA program, I used to ask my students to come up with the title of their Harvard Business School case study reports. They'd present them for discussion and often the professor would say something like "Tell me about this..." or make a comment about what he thought were some of the key points in that report -- information that wasn't included in the title. Of course, you don't want your reader to become confused by disparate elements when he or she reads your essay's title. The mission is to attract readers; then they can decide whether they want to read any further."



"I usually tell people not to include ALL their essay's main ideas in their titles," says William Robinet, an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina's School of Library and Information Science. "For one thing, it's unrealistic to expect that you can fit everything in there. And for another, people don't read essays like they would watch a movie."



Remember that your title has to be unique or not too familiar. If 10 people have already written on a given subject, yours shouldn't be exactly the same. You'll come across as second-rate and uninteresting." 


Title Length vs Reader Interest


"Of course, too short of a title will not let the reader know what your essay is about. Thus, you must strike a balance between getting your point across and keeping it interesting. "



"The ideal length of an essay title varies greatly from essay to essay," says Steven Benson, a research fellow at the Writing Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. One hundred words might do for an essay about a new technology, but only half that many might be needed for an analysis of how a short story works. "As well as having to fit the title into one line on your word-processing program, it has to work on a signpost when you're marketing your essay. That is, it should have a presence and allow readers to decide whether they're interested in reading or not." You can even buy dissertation.


"Essay titles that simply say what the essay is about are generally better than those with wit and imagery. The question, "Do I want to read this?" has to be answered positively before an essay can even begin."


Example of a Good Essay Title: Plato's Allegory of the Cave - How to Write a Promising Essay Title by Amanda Hughes



"The allegory of the cave in Book VII [of Plato's Republic] describes a man who comes out of his home only to find himself chained between two very large and tall walls, separated from his family. Behind him is a fire, and behind the fire an entrance to a cave. In the cave are people who have been there since childhood: their legs and necks are chained so that they cannot move, they can only see in front of them while unable to turn their heads around. Behind them is a rampart on which there are men carrying various artifacts creating the illusion that these chained people are seeing real life when it is actually a reflection of what's in front of them.